
  1. All entries are judged by a panel of subject matter experts, selected by PNG SME Awards from Government, Business and Community leaders. 

  2. Judges will allocate scores to each question asked, and these scores will be added to reach an overall score for each entry.

  3. There will only be one winner per category.

  4. Where there are two or more entries with the same highest score, the judging panel will be reconvened for determination of the winner through a tiebreaker scoring process. If after the judging panel has been reconvened, there are still two or more entries with the same highest score, the PNG SME Awards Judging Panel -  Adjudicator will have the final determination.

  5. Judges are required to sign a confidentiality agreement and disclose any conflict of interest.

  6. The Judging Panel's decision is final, and no further correspondence will be entered into.

  7. In situations where there is only one entrant for a category in a Regional Award, this entry will be judged. Subject to meeting a gateway score, the entry will become an automatic Finalist and will be awarded a Finalist certificate and represent their category in that category at the Gala event. They will be recognised at the Awards dinner but will not be declared a Winner; they will be referred to as a Finalist.

  8. A representative of PNG SME Awards or the Judging Panel may contact any entrant via telephone interview or email for further information or to verify their entry prior to selecting the final preferred winner. Conducting such interviews does not create any obligation on PNG SME Awards or the Judging Panel to select the interviewed entrant as a winner.

  9. An entry with no Video disqualified automatically.